Sunday, June 9, 2024

Weee #2

From a letter on June 27, 2016

This last week. Was. Awesome.

First off, we found a miracle baptism for yesterday! We were wandering around in the street on Wednesday afternoon after a series of important appointments had fallen when we got a phone call from our ward mission leader. He told us of a single mother in our ward who had been inactive for many years until about a year ago, when her teenage daughter got baptized. And he told us that her son, who had been taking the missionary lessons, after a long series of treatments was living with her again. Her son, Jonathan, is sixteen years old. He has a type of cerebral palsy that basically leaves him unable to move. He has motion in al of his head and face, and his left arm, and a little bit in his legs. He is such a special spirit. Such a prepared one. We finished preparing him in a couple days and he got baptized on Sunday. Woo! :D

And this Sunday we have two more baptisms lined up. The husband of the Tovar family, who got baptized a month back (the ones that were singing their lungs out coming home from the temple a couple weeks back) is finally able to get baptized. He sacrificed working on Sundays. The sacrifices of this family are truly incredible. In the same moment that his family got kicked out of their house due to financial issues and are currently living in what is literally a storage shed, Eliazar stopped working Sundays so he could come to church. He is truly incredible. The Lord has some truly wonderful blessings in store for him.

We officially have a new mission President. Presidente Grossen just got to the mission today. We are so excited to have him! He will be able to help us out a lot. Tomorrow early in the morning Presidente Whitehead's airplane ships out to Utah. Can hardly believe it. I am going to miss him and Sister Whitehead so much. They have done more to help me through my mission than I could ever express.

That wraps up this last week! Hope that y'all have a good one! :D

Love you!
Elder Kennington

1. Temple sealing day for Gabriel and Maria Ines and their daughter
2. Gabriel and Maria
3. Last zone conference in Lerma-Zitácuaro with President and Sister Whitehead

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