Sunday, June 9, 2024

Weeee #1

From a letter originally posted June 20, 2016


Blessings and miracles exist. I love my mission!

We had an incredible miracle in our area this last week. On Friday we were in a taxi going from one cita to another and got a phone call from a number that I didn't recognize from D.F. Turns out it was a bishop from another mission, calling us to pass us the phone number of an investigator from our area. He said her name was Miriam, and that she had been wanting to come closer to God for a long time and the first people she got ahold of were us. We call them up on Friday, got an appointment for Saturday. When we made it to their house (we got really really lost. They live FAR away.) we got in right now quick. The husband gave us a funny look when he first saw us. And we soon found out why. He was a member, baptized as a teenager, who went inactive when he was 18 and never went back. And it is something that has been hounding him for years. Now he is married, with his wife, and a little daughter, living with their niece. The Spirit was so powerful in that visit. His wife and niece have baptismal dates for the 17th of July. And they all came to church yesterday. They were so happy, and were received so well. My favorite part is divided in two.

1. It will be my last Sunday in the mission

2. José, Miriam's husband, has the Aaronic Priesthood, and he will likely have the chance to baptize his lovely wife and niece. So cool.

This week will be very strange. It is the last week of Presidente Whitehead... I can hardly believe it. Time has flown by so fast. By the time I write next week I will have my new mission Presidente, Presidente Grossen. I will likely not get to know him well because he will just barely be getting here on the 28th, so a good report on how awesome he is will likely have to wait a little. :) It is going to be strange not having Presidente Whitehead here. He has been such a solid and good constant in all of my mission. Sigh. I am gonna miss him like crazy. It was such a blessing to be under his stewardship.

On top of all of the incredible things that happened this last week, on Friday I got to go to the temple sealing of Gabriel and Maria Ines and their little daughter Meredith, a family that I baptized a year ago in Chamapa. We almost didn't make it, due to problems with traffic and the fact that the human body ALWAYS decides that it needs a bathroom right when you are running most behind. But we made it.

It is something incredible to see your converts in temple clothing. Seeing them in a temple, kneeling on an altar, with so much love and joy in their eyes. It was the first sealing that I had ever seen, and I was extremely impacted by it. This family passed by so many problems and trials to make it to this point. But it was totally worth it. They are so beautiful. This was something that I wanted most as a missionary: To accompany a convert family of mine through the temple. And I got it. I cannot describe to you the immense satisfaction that I felt witnessing this wonderful moment. Words will ever be inadequate to describe the heavenly moments that we experience from time to time in our lives.

That about wraps up last week. 

Love you all!

Elder Kennington

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