Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hullo Thar

From a letter originally posted June 13, 2016


Things are going alright here. We are working hard to keep our families progressing and reach our goals of baptisms this month. I can't believe that we are already more than half-way through June!

We have several families that are progressing well right now. There was a mom with her two kids that came to church yesterday that loved everything about it. Turns out that one of our Recent Converts that is super good is an old friend of hers, and that just made her experience at church yesterday awesome for her. She and her kids have a baptismal date for the 10th of July. We also have another family that is coming along well but that has difficulties with coming to church, due to some problems with very Catholic family. They are doing great, and have baptismal dates for the 3rd of July.

Progressing particularly well is an older gentleman named Jaime. He is a stud! Father, Grandfather, and retired employee of a law firm. He has every reason to just be happy how and where he is, but he decided that he needed to change his life and find God. He came to church a couple Sundays ago on his own, and just came again yesterday. He really wants to get baptized. He about cried when we invited him to do so, saying that he would love to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ, and wasn't sure if he was going to be accepted. Each lesson that we have with him is very touching. He has a baptismal date for the 26th this month. He will only have four assistances, so you will be receiving a phonecall asking for the exception. And Jaime is truly exceptional.

Our work with the ward is going well. Our ward mission leader (who is 23 years old) just got a girlfriend who got back from her mission three weeks ago, which has kind of taken him off of the face of the planet for these last two weeks. :) Aside from that we are working very hard with everyone. This ward is extremely supportive. I am so grateful that I will finish my mission here.

We went to the temple again yesterday! I am really excited for all of the families that went. They are progressing so well. Do you remember Laura and her three kids and granddaughter that all got baptized last month? We spent the whole car ride home with them. They are such strong converts. The kids spent forty five minutes singing all of their favorite hymns at the top of their lungs. Through the monster headache that I had after the first two minutes, I was really touched that these people have a mere month in the church and they have memorized so many hymns. I love the people here. I would never have chosen anywhere else for my mission.

Church is true and the book is blue!!

Love you!

Elder Kennington

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