Sunday, June 9, 2024

Preguntas Mas Rapido

 From a letter posted June 13, 2016

1. What more have you learned about your new companion? Do you know his first name?

His name is Jean Pierre. He has two and a half years as a member. He loved music before the mission. His favorite music is Salsa and dubstep. His mom and sisters are all members. His dad, who lives apart, is an evangelical pastor. That made things tricky for his baptism. Elder Reyes is a cool guy. :)

2. How many missionaries are in your district?

We currently have eight missionaries. It is very possible that they will put another area in my district in the next couple of weeks due to some challenges with a new district leader over there, making us 10 missionaries. Which was the whole zone anyway last change. It is like I never changed assignments...Haha.

3. You said to remind you about a story about Elder Alegre Soto.

I cannot figure out how, but somehow Elder Alegre Soto figured out how to forget ALL of his clothes when he went to his new area. I got a phonecall a couple nights ago from the Secretaries saying that Elder Alegre needed me to send it through pouch for concilio today. And that he wanted me to wash everything. I am nice, but not that nice... Haha. Yup.

4. What is the quirkiest thing to happen to you this week?

When we were going to the temple yesterday we kept poking fun at our ward mission leader for the last time we went and how he got us lost for four hours in the middle of the city. On the way home we were behind his car, with another family in front. When we went to take a right turn, the ward mission leader went straight. So our driver went barreling on after him almost crashing to go save him. The whole way we were all laughing. We couldn't believe that he got lost again. We pull up next to his car, honk the horn...

And then we realized that it wasn't his car. It was someone else. Haha. Yup. We were the burros. It served us right. :)

5. How far away from your church building are you?

We are roughly twenty minutes away. Walking it would be a few hours. I really took it for granted that in Payson we can walk to church in about 10 minutes.... Haha. :)

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