Sunday, June 9, 2024

Profound and Poignant

Letter originally posted July 11, 2016

This last week was really good. We had a lot to do, and at the end we had four baptisms. They were all really good and all really prepared. I am very excited for these new converts! They are great.

Elizabeth has more than a year that she has been looking into the church with a lot of interest, but she hasn't been able to be baptized due to the fact that she hasn't been married. She just got married a couple weeks ago, so we got her on a fast track for a baptism last Saturday. Though the gas ran out and we didn't find out until my companion stepped into the baptismal font (there was NO hot water... :) ), it was a beautiful service.

The following day we had the baptism of a family of three. Rosa Maria and her two kids Jorge and Sharon. Rosa Maria suffered a lot to get to this point. All of her family are Jehovah's Witnesses, and they have been attacking her right and left since the first time she came to church a little over a month ago. But she has managed to put all of that to one side and continue following her Savior. She has been an incredible example to me. Not many investigators are so diligent with the little things such as praying and reading her scriptures as she and her children have been, and those little things have made all the difference in her conversion process. Love it!

We have a few investigators that could possible get baptized this week, but nothing 100% secure. We are looking and praying for someone to show up or for something to happen with a few of the investigators that we are teaching. We will see what happens.

This last week was kind of tough too. I have never been more stressed before in my mission. There is a lot to do. And not a lot of support... :) My zone leaders are about four hours away from here (On the other side of the mission.) And on this end there isn't anyone that really helps me out. :) Just help from above. Which makes the fruits of that help and opposition that much more sweet. Everything I feel is so profound and poignant right now... If I feel happy, I am living in heaven with joy that blows a hole in my heart. And if I am sad, it is the kind of sad that just makes you want to melt into the floor and stop existing. I have gone completely bipolar.... XD Haha. I guess that it is a side effect of being in your last week as a working missionary. :) Sigh. Not sure what to think now.

Hope that you all have a lovely week. I love you so very much. Seeing you will be wonderful.

Elder Kennington

The four baptisms that we had!! :D Wooooo! :D Super stoked. And the baptismal suit that I used to baptize (freaking heck, I can't find my white pants. They disappeared! :( )! Elizabeth, Rosa Maria, Jorge, Sharon.

Three-Zone Conference: Toluca, Metapec, Zitácuaro

Preguntas Bien Rapidito

1. How are you doing with keeping your focus and not getting (too) trunky?
I am doing alright. Honestly, it is being a little tough right now. We five more baptims lined up for before I go, and having that there and set increases the temptation to just relax and go with the flow. I am trying to fight that remembering that the end of my full-time mission isn't the end of the Lord's work. The second coming of Elder Kennington and the Second Coming of Christ are two very different things.... :) Haha.

2. Besides the members, what are some things you will miss most about Mexico?
THE TACOS. OHMYGOODNESSIWILLCRYMYSELFTOSLEEPEVERYNIGHTMISSINGMYTACOS. I will miss all of the cool parts of the culture. I will miss how friendly everyone here is. There is a lot to miss. Haha. I had to chuckle that the first question you asked me along the lines of "how are you trying to not be trunky?" and then immediately afterwards I get a question designed along the lines of "what can I do to make my oldest child even more trunky than he is?" Haha. :)

3. Any interesting changes coming into place with your new president? 
So far nothing too huge. I think that the really big changes will come with time as Presidente Grossen gets more familiar with the mission and its missionaries. I sincerely doubt that I will be a witness to any great humongous change in the way things work.

4. Crazy story of the week:
I saw a pidgeon yesterday. That was pretty loco.

5. Did you get out to Zitacuaro?
Just for a zone junta. It turned out to be too far away to go for P Day. But for the last zone conference it was perfect. It was incredible seeing where I started my mission almost two years ago. I even fondly patted the the first toilet that I threw up into in the Zitacuaro chapel. :) Haha.

6. I am teaching RS on the temple next Sunday. Any experiences you can share about how the temple has blessed you and/or your converts and the members there? Did you see a change in people there once the temple was rededicated?
The change in the members was incredible. The level of obedience, unity, and personal/family consecration rose dramatically. We even started baptizing more. The temple is the reason that we do everything here. One of my dreams of my mission was bring a family to the temple and be present in their temple sealing. And I cannot express the joy that I felt on having that dream fulfilled. It was something that shaped my life.

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